Sunday, December 29, 2019

Essay about If You Forget Me - 1048 Words

Analysis for â€Å"If You Forget Me† As a world renowned poem, â€Å"If You Forget Me†, which was written by Pablo Neruda, can be considered as the benchmark in literary circles, not only because of its excellent use of language, but also a variety of literary devices that are included. The most obvious device that is used in this poem is metaphor. Although it seems to be as a love poem for author’s beloved, it can also be considered a kind of love that the author devotes to his homeland. As the background of this poem that I have researched, â€Å"If You Forget Me† was written during the era of political unrest in Chile, and Pablo Neruda had to exile to foreign countries. However, Neruda never forgot his homeland where he still wanted to contribute†¦show more content†¦These imageries are all related to yearly seasons, and they also imply when and how the author will leave. Also, simile exists in this poem. For instance, â€Å"as if everything that exist, Aromas, light, medals.† is a simile that illustrates Pablo’s ideals—receive more honors in order to let his love realize the vital value of him, or on the other hand, let his homeland realize his capability and accept him again. In fact, alliterations are also used throughout this poem. A couple of examples, such as â€Å"If I look at the crystal moon† and â€Å"If I touch near the fire† seem repetitious, because â€Å"If† is repeated line after line at least twice. This emphasizes that these situations, which are described in this poem, are merely his thoughts and it is unknown whether they will happen in the future or not. No one can predict one’s future. However, he has made the decision â€Å"if you forget me†Ã¢â‚¬â€if his love chooses to forget him, he will forget her as well, but if she still loves him, he will love her as he did before, like he said, â€Å"in me all that fire is repeated† and â€Å"in me nothing is extinguished or forgotten†. Also, there is assonance used at the end, such as â€Å"live†, â€Å"mine† in the last two lines. This assonance makes the poem more rhyming, and readers can relate to love when reading it. In addition, the love that is mentioned in thisShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of If You Forget Me1128 Words   |  5 PagesPablo Neruda’s, â€Å"If You Forget Me† explores the relationship between lovers in cases of differing degrees of affection. It begins with a description of all the things that remind him of his love. It then shifts to the repercussions of a forgotten love, finally finishing with two lovers mutually committed to each other. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Practicum...Spiritual Retreat Reaction - 1513 Words

In doing this assignment, I was looking forward to becoming more appreciative of nature, and all that it has to offer us, wanting a better understanding of it all. It seems that we take all of the beauty of our earth for granted, we are spoiled and it shows. In completing this practicum, I hoped to return to a state of mind where everything I see has beauty in it, like a baby seeing things for the first time, when everything is so fascinating, that touching it in complete awe is all I want to do. The Celtic appreciation of nature is what influenced the path I took with this day of reflection. The way they loved it as though it was their child, the way they respected it as though it was their mother, and even the way they feared it, as if†¦show more content†¦In that time I realized a lot about myself, how the choices I have made have affected those around me, including myself. I noticed a lot of the things around me as well. I noticed things in objects I see everyday, that I have never really noticed, or paid attention too before, such as the sky or trees. Like the way the clouds seem to all mush themselves together at the end of the day, as if they were saying goodbye to each other, before they go their separate ways, similar to a last hug, or a team huddle. And the trees, they seemed like they were Mother Natures own personal bodyguards, keeping everything she carefully crafted under their watch. It all seemed so perfect that I never wanted to leave; I honestly contemplated becoming a hermit (almost). Throughout all of this thinking and reflecting, I felt and extreme calm over me, I couldnt find a way to put it into a sentence, so I wrote the adjectives: relaxation, tranquility, invigorating, soothing to my soul, and emotionally and mentally intense. I had so many thoughts swirling in my head, what I have done, what I should have done, what I want to do, and what I will do. I thought about people, those I have met, loved, hurt, been hurt by, feared, and respected. I wondered about my significance, and my insignificance. We are all just specks on this earth, like dust particles, and when our time is up, we will all be wiped away, leaving no physical trace behindShow MoreRelatedDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words   |  1617 PagesManagement Assessment 107 Type A Personality Inventory 108 Social Readjustment Rating Scale 109 Sources of Personal Stress 111 SKILL LEARNING 112 Improving the Management of Stress and Time 112 The Role of Management 113 Major Elements of Stress 113 Reactions to Stress 114 Coping with Stress 115 Managing Stress 117 Stressors 117 Eliminating Stressors 120 Eliminating Time Stressors Through Time Management 121 Eliminating Encounter Stressors Through Collaboration and Emotional Intelligence 128 Eliminating

Friday, December 13, 2019

African Art Free Essays

From Egypt to South Africa the art of Africa is rich and diverse on a scale second to no other continent. The art is a cultural heritage that has sustained a race of people over millennia. This paper will focus on the art of the 200-year span of 1400-1600 CE. We will write a custom essay sample on African Art or any similar topic only for you Order Now    It was during this time period that the European Renaissance flowered, and saw such masters as Michelangelo, Leonardo, and Raphael arise. It likewise covers the time period that Rembrandt and the Dutch masters worked. Comparisons will be made between the two disparate cultures, examining the differences between how the art of Africa and the art of Europe relate to their culture and mores. It will examine the utility of both art genres. While the art appears to be radically different, the underlying usage for the art produced is essentially the same, with Renaissance art and African art both serving their culture’s religious beliefs and mores. For those not accustomed to abstract art it can appear to be different from what they even consider art. A large portion of all African art is abstract. Abstraction is the way the artist chooses to create a representation of the ancestor or the spirit with whom he wishes to communicate. By tradition the art is religious or mythical, so their option was to make a representative figure. Abstraction is the way to create such. European art of the same era solved this problem by opting to create a realistic likeness of their saints and even their god. . Europeans did not paint landscapes or sculpt animals except to give a setting to their holy families and saints. Art was for religion and for custom, culture, and mores in both cultures. â€Å"The beauty of African art lies not only on the surface or physical features of the artwork but the meaning or lesson that it tends to emanate† ( par. 3). African art of the period under discussion is virtually always three dimensional and not only of wood. The Yoruba discovered lost-wax and cast their statues in metals by the 14th and 15th century (Mullen, par.10). John Reader, writing in Africa: A Biography of the Continent, discusses the use of metals in the art of the African tribes. In Sub-Saharan Africa iron and copper were the most highly valued of metals. Interestingly, he reports that the 14th century tribes would exchange their gold for copper at a rate of two-thirds gold to one of copper (287). This iron and copper went into weapons, naturally but much of it found its way into art because of its permanence was associated with the longevity of ancestors as well as the immortality of the spirits. It became then a part of their art, which is synonymous with their religious beliefs and culture. The most noticeable thing about African art is its ubiquitous nature. It permeates the lives of the African people more so than European art. The emphasis in African art is on the human figure much the same as European art between 1400 and 1600 CE. It is also a part of everyday life and relates to the culture and values of the tribes that produce it by serving as constant reminders of ancestors and traditions. The tribal masks are objects of veneration, brought out on ceremonial occasions to be ‘danced’. These masks are not simply ornaments but rather they are sacred objects. They are given names. This name is significant as more than just identifying the individual piece, but also identifies the meaning of the work. Each has a history and a dance is designated for each. The mask embodies living spirits. In African culture the meanings of the mask, the associated dance and the spirits that dwell within it are inexorably linked together. African art’s use of the human form is so pervasive that its adoption by European nations is taken as proof of the contact between the two cultures. The Church of Rome commissioned much of the great art of the European continent during the 1400-1600s. The statues and portraits of the biblical saints portray a likeness. Jesus is depicted in stone and pigment and the image is to remind the faithful of his deeds. The priests face a crucifix and make the magical signs when chanting prayer in the general direction of such art. There may be the argument that Christians do not pray to the effigies, still, the casual on-looker would have a difficult time determining the subtle difference. In this sense, the masks of African tribal art serve the same function within the community as do the pietas and crucifixions of the Italian Renaissance. Christopher Roy, Professor of Art History, University of Iowa, states that, â€Å"most African art is representative, not representational. Very little African sculpture is intended to recreate the features of a human being, either living or dead† (par. 6). Roy relates that African art, particularly the mask, is not meant to be a likeness of an ancestor, nor is it meant to be an image of a beloved, revered, or even feared leader of the tribe. The mask is a home for the spirits, invented by the maker of the mask. The mask, a work of art, becomes a haven for the supernatural, the unseen, the unknown, incomprehensible, so it follows that the physical home created for them must be a creation of whimsy (par. 6). In a land where diseases are rampant and life is relatively cheap the people often turn to the spirits for protection. In the years of the Black Death in Europe the people turned to the church. In Africa, where flies can carry death and swimming the rivers can infect people with deadly parasites, the spirits are all that stand between the tribe and death at times. It gives the tribe solace to know that they have a way of making the spirits visible, and they do this in their art. Art in the form of the mask gives a tangible reality to the unseen spirits. When the mask is then danced in the ceremonies and rituals of the tribe this makes the spirits accessible to the tribe. This art can span the gap between the world and the unseen realm of the spirit. The medium literally becomes the message as the diviner in the mask opens a channel to the spirits and can communicate the needs of the tribe to the only beings capable of giving aid to the tribe (Roy par. 2). Western African art in the form of wooden masks most often take the form of humans, animals, or fanciful beings. Their use in religious rites range from such as tribal initiation ceremonies to various celebrations of tribal good fortune or auspicious anniversary dates. They are danced in celebration of a good harvest as well as danced to request that their crops thrive. They are also danced in preparation for war. It does not take a great stretch of the imagination to equate these icons with the religious paintings of the Sistine Chapel and the pope’s private quarters. While some statues holy to the Catholics are brought out to view by the public on high holy days and venerated as talismans of the true cross or some other belief. The static art of the frescos can be viewed on a regular basis, and is used to put the supplicant in the proper frame of mind to believe when he kneels to ask a boon or blessing of his creator. The masks of African art are used as a gateway to ease both the wearer and his audience into a nether world where the spirits dwell. The Catholic art of the Renaissance and the centuries immediately following it are for the same purpose. The Fang tribe of Gabon are famous for their creation of guardian figures that are then affixed to the boxes containing the bones of their ancestors. Their leadership, according to The Africa Guide online website, is inherited and the leader is supposedly a direct descendant of the ancestor who founded the village. This leader is not only secular head of the tribal village, he is the spiritual leader, and can communicate with the ancestors through the wearing of masks, which are an important aspect of Fang art (par. 4). The art of Africa discussed herein is made for utilitarian purpose, making it, at first glance seem different from European art of the same time period. Yet while the pope may not put on a mask of Christ and dance it before the masses, he certainly carries a rod with the representation of Christ when he is seen in public. He has decorated his church and his private apartments with the figures of biblical characters to serve as a reminder of the holy word. From the Creation of Adam to the Last Judgment, artists of the European school created work to please the church. They created to invoke memories and remind the faithful of their culture and spiritual roots in the same way as the African mask. While the art appears to be radically different, the underlying usage for the art produced is essentially the same, with Renaissance art and African art both serving their culture’s religious beliefs and mores. Works Cited   Abstract African Art is Mainly Considered To be out of the Ordinary 9-29-08 Mullen, N.   Yoruba Art and Culture 9-29-08 Wysinger Homestead 2004 Roy, C. Signs and Symbols in African Art: Graphic Patterns in Burkina Faso 9-3-08 The University of Iowa no date How to cite African Art, Papers